Dressie Jessie Smocking Turns 2 and a Giveaway!

Dressie Jessie Smocking Turns 2! Reflecting on that pretty much gives me #allthefeels! I really don't even know where to begin because the list of "thank you's" is so long.

I think I will start by thanking my wonderful team that works so hard and with such care. Seriously, I could NOT do what I do without them. Tonya, Brittany, Kaylan, Lindsay, Dawnee....I am so blessed to have you work as part of the Dressie Jessie Smocking team. You are the BEST!

Next, I have to mention Dan, the most friendly and kind U.S.P.S. worker there ever was. He scans hundreds of packages every week...always smiling! I love my little post office in Studley, VA! I also have to mention Keith, my UPS driver. This wonderful man will rework his entire route to deliver my packages early, so we can get a jump start on shipping pre-orders. Not only that, he calls me to let me know he's on his way. The sweetest!

Photographers and bloggers I've partnered with---Jessica, Amber, Lindsey, Jordan, Traci, Andrea...just to name a few. I appreciate your support so much! #thankyou

My family. Where do I even start? My parents and my sisters...I call and talk to them almost daily. They are the most patient people, listening to this idea and that idea. I'm a talker...it helps me think, ha! I don't know what I would do without them. And then there's my husband, Rhett. We will celebrate 22 years of marriage on June 3rd. When the idea of Dressie Jessie Smocking was born, I called him at work, and without the slightest hesitation, he gave me his full support. Owning your own business is a labor of love, and there are many ups and downs. I'm really good at celebrating the "ups," but working through the "downs" is a challenge. He is always there to help me gain perspective, and to encourage me to keep moving forward. I truly could not do it without him.

And then, there are these four...

My children, Nathan, Matt, Andrew and Caroline. Being their mom is my greatest joy.

And finally, you....my wonderful customers. It is not lost on me that without you, there is no Dressie Jessie Smocking. Together, I feel like we share an understanding that is lost on many people...that dressing your children like children is one of life's simple pleasures. See my oldest son there on the right? He heads to Virginia Tech's Engineering School in the fall (I'm so proud my heart could burst!). Well, I recall a special jon-jon he had with an airplane appliqué. I bought him that outfit because he LOVED seeing airplanes fly by and would bend over and throw his arms out, pretending to be a plane (the cutest!). That little outfit...it helps me remember...and it makes my heart smile. #simplejoys

Please know how much I appreciate each of you. Every like and share on social media, every email and private message, every order, no matter how big or how small...I am grateful. Truly, truly grateful.

And now, to celebrate Dressie Jessie Smocking turning 2...I'm giving away TWO free outfits of the winner's choice! To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment below. That's it! The winner will be announced Friday, June 2nd, so be sure to check back for the announcement! 

Thank you all for your continued support!

XOXO, Jessie 

UPDATE--Congratulations to Katie Manning! You are the winner! I've emailed you! 

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Congrats on turning TWO!! I ador your shop and wish I could buy every piece!! Living in PA, there are not many places to buy cute smocked clothes so I am so glad I found your shop! One of my faves for sure. Congrats again and here’s to many more!!

Laura Wolf

Love your store. Congrats on 2 years!!


Congratulations on two years! I’ve always loved the idea of having my own little boutique. Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to take the leap, too! Here’s to hoping you have many more years to come – I love Dressie Jessie!


Happy 2nd birthday Dressie Jessie!! We love your clothes and love your amazing customer service even more!! It has been absolutely delightful ordering from you this past year and love recommending you to friends!! Thank you for being so awesome!! Love you, your story and your company!!
The Fischer Family

Sarah Fischer

Congrats on 2 years! We love Dressie Jessie at our house!!

Amanda Lampley

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